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Different ways of communicating, priorities, and expectations can put pressure on collaboration. Not only within teams, but also between departments. Especially if you are in each other's way or colleagues work within their own island. I ensure that people talk to each other in a different way. I help transform relational obstacles into positive connections, where there is room for trust, mutual understanding and ultimately synergy. This leads to better business results. I offer various services to improve business cooperation, maintain it at a higher level, or continue in a pleasant way.

Do your personalities, work styles, or ways of communicating clash? Is there a conflict or are there irritations within the department? Has someone dropped out and the question is what now? Mediation is a way to resolve conflicts, where you are guided by an independent and impartial mediator. As a mediator, I help you overcome relational barriers and find a solution to your problem.



Mediation involves the following four phases: 

i) intake; to clarify what divides parties;

ii) exploration, to give parties the space to tell their story and put interests and wishes on the table; 

iii) negotiation, to generate options and find a joint solution;  

iv) completion, to record agreements made in an agreement that is signed by all parties. 



The duration of a mediation process can vary. A process usually consists of 2 to 5 meetings. The duration of the meetings is usually 2 – 2.5 hours per session.



The costs for a mediation process are calculated on the basis of an hourly rate excluding VAT. The rate includes the following activities: time spent in meetings, preparation of these meetings, correspondence by e-mail, reporting to parties, telephone consultations, administrative actions, drawing up written agreements and any travel time.



Mediation takes place in a neutral environment, where I rent a space. The costs will be passed on.

Mediation is een manier om conflicten op te lossen, waarbij je wordt begeleid door een onafhankelijke en onpartijdige bemiddelaar.


You want to experience more synergy in the collaboration: people work together in trust, there is open communication and a sense of connection. As a synergizer, I am an independent and impartial discussion leader between 2 or more people, within teams or between departments. I help you formulate a success formula for working together. I do this by creating an environment where you feel free to discuss deeper irritations and provide feedback on points that you normally do not see room for. I make sure the message is heard and delivered. With the aim of improving cooperation even more and thus achieving better results. OIt also contributes to social safety in the workplace and the prevention of burnout. 


Are there any disagreements, irritations or specific wishes? Are there topics for which you want to create more support, such as transformations or (change management) projects? Is cooperation under pressure and does communication seem to be difficult? You often notice this long before there are major conflicts or problems within your team or between departments. 


My approach is different from how people often communicate. Discussions are usually held asking what the problem is and how it will be solved. But then an important step is skipped, namely understanding what the importance is. 

I guide the process in which you are given the space to tell your story, consider your interests and wishes, and look for structural solutions that work for everyone.


Depending on the need, I offer the opportunity to receive a toolkit with tips to communicate more effectively. In this way you will gain skills to communicate in a future-proof manner. This way you also feel free to speak out in a constructive way. 

If it is unclear why the collaboration is not running smoothly, I ask additional in-depth questions from a control framework perspective. To relational NLP can be used to break through blockages.

click onthis link to get more information about the Synergizing process. 



The duration of synergizing can vary and depends on several factors. A process usually consists of approximately 3 meetings. The duration of the meetings is generally half a day (3 to 3.5 hours) or a whole day.


Price on request. 


In principle, synergizing can take place at your location. If desired, I can rent a space, for which the costs will be charged.

Procesbegeleider, scrum master, vertrouwenspersoon, change management, transformatie, reorganisatie, teamwork, teambuilding, gespreksbegeleider, trajectbegeleider, teamcoach, business coach, teamcoach, mediator, synergie. Samenwerking verbeteren en effectiever communiceren.


Process supervisor, scrum master, confidential counselor, change management, transformation, reorganization, teamwork, team building, discussion counselor, process counselor, team coach, business coach, team coach, mediator, synergy. Improve communication cooperation.

Communication workshop:

This workshop provides the manager and team members with tools to improve their relationship and to prevent and address irritations/conflicts. I give you tools so that you can take steps to collaborate in a more sustainable way by communicating more effectively. By taking your communication to the next level, you can create synergy within your team and between departments. With synergy, people work together in trust, there is open communication and a feeling of connection.


Risk management workshop:

This workshop can contribute to gaining insight into where the pain points are to be in control. My approach is based on COSO, where I mainly ask questions and do not provide substantive advice. Once again the focus is on getting tools for communicating on the topics that matter. This includes, among other things, how you can gain more support to comply with regulations, or how communication and relationships with the supervisor can be improved.



My approach is practical in nature, making complex theory accessible and providing tools that are simple to apply. After the workshop you can use a few tips & tricks notice a positive difference. The workshops can also be part of a team building activity. 



In consultation, depending on your needs. 



Price on request. 



In principle, workshops can take place at your location. If desired, I can rent a space, for which the costs will be charged.

Synergizing Workshops

You have regular check-ups at the dentist to ensure healthy teeth. Performing a “health check” with a synergizer several times a year contributes to maintaining healthy cooperation within the organization.

By means ofBy having the "difficult conversations" monthly or quarterly under the guidance of a synergizer, you ensure that it takes place in a constructive manner. It also contributes to a sustainable way of working together and a culture where everyone feels free to express themselves.

At a healh check, an accessible conversation is initiated about how the collaboration is going and whether there is a need for guidance on certain topics. This also includes major change management projects. The content is usually guided by consultants and the business is often responsible for embracing the changering. By making a synergizer part of the project before it goes live, you increase the chance of successful implementation of the project. Support is created and the parties come to stand in the same direction.

Prevent irritations from festering unnecessarily for a long time. Regularly monitoring how healthy your collaboration is ensures that you remain in control or can make timely adjustments. 



During a health check, I go through the same process as withsynergizing



This can only be a conversation from one short session. But it can also make invisible irritations visible, creating a need to start synergizing. 


Price on request. 



In principle, health checks can take place at your location. If desired, I can rent a space, for which the costs will be charged.

Procesbegeleider, scrum master, vertrouwenspersoon, change management, transformatie, reorganisatie, teamwork, teambuilding, gespreksbegeleider, trajectbegeleider, teamcoach, business coach, teamcoach, mediator, synergie. Communicatie en samenwerking verbeteren.

Synergizing Health check

Procesbegeleider, scrum master, vertrouwenspersoon, change management, transformatie, reorganisatie, teamwork, teambuilding, gespreksbegeleider, trajectbegeleider, teamcoach, business coach, teamcoach, mediator, synergie. Tips om beter te communiceren en samenwerken.

As a (business) coach, I help you improve your way of communicating so that you can work better together. Depending on your needs, I can help you prepare for a challenging conversation or negotiation. You will be given tools to get your message across for a constructive conversation. There is also the opportunity to do a role play, filmed or not, to experience how your way of communicating comes across and can potentially be further improved. 



Depending on your needs and goals, we make a plan together.



The duration of the process depends on your question. For example, 30 minutes, to get help preparing for an important conversation. Or it can be an entire process with multiple contact moments.



Price on request. 



Coaching can take place digitally or at your location. If desired, I can rent a location, whereby the costs will be charged.

Business coaching

"Engage in conversation, feel more connected, and improve your collaboration."
“People sometimes underestimate the power of improving communication, even when there appears to be no problem.”
“Behind every reproach, there is a desire.”
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