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Cooperation without tension

Frictions and conflicts in the workplace can lead to unwanted situations. We often have more influence on this than we think. The key is to start talking to each other.

Improved communication and optimal collaboration

It is known that different personalities, wishes and working styles can put pressure on collaboration. Not only within teams, but also between departments. Do you recognizethis situations? You will probably wonder how your collaboration and results will improve by talking to each other. Effective communication forms the basis of optimal collaboration, transformations, and better performance. I believe that talking about the core creates more synergy, or 1 + 1 = 3. And synergy brings a certain power, allowing you to jointly arrive at the best feasible solutions. 

Process supervisor, scrum master, confidential counselor, change management, transformation, reorganization, teamwork, team building, discussion counselor, process counselor, team coach, business coach, team coach, mediator, synergy. Better collaboration.

Nobody wants conflicts in the workplace. And yet it often happens that discussions develop into an untenable situation or people fall out. As a certified and mfn registered mediator, I guide parties in finding solutions that suit everyone's interests. I ensure that you feel the space to tell your story and help you overcome relational barriers. My specialties are Employment Mediation, Business Mediation, and Group Mediation. 

Process supervisor, scrum master, confidential counselor, change management, transformation, reorganization, teamwork, team building, discussion counselor, process counselor, team coach, business coach, team coach, mediator, synergy. Improve collaboration within your team and between departments.

Everyone wants to be able to express themselves freely. But practice shows that it is often experienced as challenging. As a synergizer, I help you talk to each other about the core of the frictions or wishes. When you communicate on a deeper level, there is room for trust and connection and you will continue to work together better. This is how you create sustainable solutions, support and strong functioning teams that work together optimally. 

Mfn registered mediator, process supervisor, scrum master, confidential counselor, change management, transformation, reorganization, teamwork, team building, discussion counselor, process counselor, team coach, business coach, team coach, mediator, synergy. As a synergizer, I help improve business collaboration by allowing managers and employees to talk to each other.

You may be reluctant to give that colleague feedback on a topic that is important to you. Do you want to convey your message effectively, in a way where you stand up for yourself and pay attention to the relationship and collaboration? As a business coach, I guide you in the way you communicate. Think of conversation preparation and getting tools to communicate more effectively. 

I am Sibel Berkhout

Mediator | Synergizer | Business coach

With my background as an employment lawyer, certified & MFN-registered mediator and manager, I specialize in optimizing cooperation. I have deepened my skills through the postgraduate training as a Legal mediator, and further specializations in Employment Mediation, Group Mediation, and Business Mediation. My NLP training also provides additional tools to help others communicate more effectively. Partly because of this, I can listen well between the lines and ask questions, translate needs, and quickly get to the core of various topics. The feedback I regularly receive is that I am very sharp in my analyzes and expressions and have an open attitude. 

Before this, I worked for a large international organization in the Zuid-As for years, where I was responsible for internal control. As a result, I understand the complexity and the different aspects that are needed to function properly as a company and what errors can cause the collaboration. I have also seen that irritations often persist unless the core discussion is started. 

Would you like to get acquainted or discuss without obligation? Then plan 30 minutes in the agenda or contact me.

Mfn registered mediator, process supervisor, scrum master, confidential counselor, change management, transformation, reorganization, teamwork, team building, discussion counselor, process counselor, team coach, business coach, team coach, mediator, synergy. As a synergizer, I help improve business collaboration by allowing managers and employees to talk to each other.

Do you recognize the following situations?

You want to turn the irritations within the department or between the departments into a mode in which you experience more synergy.


You've already tried to start the conversation, but you're getting nowhere. You want to convey your message more effectively and create sustainable solutions.


Your way of working and communicating does not match and you experience a blockage. You want to gain confidence to work together towards a clear goal.


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Distinctive: positive approach, sustainable solutions, quick results.

"Have a real conversation with your colleague and take your relationship and performance to a higher level.”
"The other person does not have to change in order to work better together. You have no influence on the other person, but you do influence yourself. Adjust your way of communicating and transform your relationship."
"For many, the solution is simple: “The other person should just do what I want."
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